Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
ISSN 2239-0227


Issue n. 52-2024




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    1. Inequalities of DVT-type-the two-dimensional case
    2. Diameter estimate for generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds
    3. Relation between ultra matroid and linear decomposition
    4. On a Diophantine equation involving Mersenne number
    5. A compression of finite topological spaces based on homomorphism
    6. On ICs-subgroups of finite groups
    7. On the SS-supplemented modules over Dedekind domains
    8. Intuitionistic fuzzy threshold hypergraphs
    9. Some criteria for solvability in finite groups
    10. SEP elements and the solution to constructed equations
    11. The (p, q, r)-generations of the Mathieu sporadic simple group M23
    12. Bi-endomorphism induces new types of derivations on BH-algebras
    13. Students’ difficulties with eigenvalues and eigenvectors. An exploratory study
    14. Bifurcation dynamics in a modified Leslie type predator-prey model with predator harvesting and delay
    15. Finite groups with 124p elements of the largest order
    16. The MPBT inverse of a complex matrix based on the Hartwig-Spindelböck decomposition
    17. Application of new distance and entropy measures for probabilistic dual hesitant fuzzy sets in pattern recognition and VIKOR-based multi-criteria decision-making
    18. Codes from the incidence matrix of the essential graph

      SPECIAL ISSUE OF N° 52-2024


    1. Editorial or the Special Issue on “The role of digital technologies in supporting the teaching of mathematics: experiences of good practices at the university level”
    2. Digital resources to promote individualization processes at university level: the role played by the integration between automatic scaffolding and expert scaffolding
    3. A blended teaching and learning environment for developing attitude towards mathematics
    4. GeoGebra applets and homework tasks to help engineering students with 3D visualization in a multivariable calculus course
    5. Design and use of learning graphs through ASYMPTOTE system
    6. Prospective mathematics teachers’ subjectification processes: joint labor in a Moodle environment through Quick Chat plugin
    7. A learning experience in and from practice using digital technologies: the mathematical discussion
    8. Engineering students’ use of scaffolding elements within digital tasks concerning planar integration domains